Empowering Our Community
The mission of the Latino Roundtable (LTR) of Southwestern Illinois is to work together in developing and expanding available resources to improve the delivery of social services to the Latino community through networking, advocating, and providing services.
Who we are
The Latino Roundtable is a group of representatives from community organizations, businesses, colleges, and universities with the unified purpose of serving the Latino community in the Illinois counties of Bond, Clinton, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, St. Clair, and Washington. The Latino Roundtable is a 501c(3) organization.
LTR activities are educational as well as community assistance based and include the following LTR-sponsored events/initiatives: Easter Egg Hunt, College Scholarship, Cinco de Mayo Health Fair, Back to School Event, Mexican Consulate Visits, Immigrants In Our Midst Conference, Trunk or Treat, Coat/Toy Giveaway.